Kinross Ice Manager Steven Kerr presents the Kinross Junior Classic trophy to (L-R) Hannah Fleming, Becca Kesley, Alice Spence and Abi Brown. The Fleming team beat Jennifer Dodds, Kimberley Smith, Kirsten McNay and Mhairi Anderson in the final.
Hamish Geyer (President of Kinross Young Curlers) presents the Classic trophy to (L-R) Billy Morton, Struan Wood, Ian Copland and Jay McWilliam. The McWilliam team beat Michael Reid and his team of James Whiteford, Craig Kirkwood and Andrew Goldie in the final.
The team coach doesn't get a mention too often. So let's include Debbie Knox, coach to Hannah's team in tonight's celebrations!
And Peter Wilson, the McWilliam coach, here in typical pose during the final!
Now, a special mention to Steven and his rink staff for great ice. Hamish, in the centre and John Swan, the event organiser, on the right, also organised a raffle to raise funds for the Kinrosss Junior Club, which are going towards that club's fundraising for the new rink.
This was the top prize in the raffle, a fabulous hamper donated by Loch Leven's Larder. It's gone to a good home - Skip Cottage had a successful weekend. Thanks everyone!
Right, I have some other photos from today which I shall endeavour to get online tomorrow. Don't look for them before late afternoon.
Pics above © Skip Cottage