To whom should the award go? Tom Brewster's side perhaps for a great performance in Champery? Hannah Fleming or Kyle Smith for bringing home the spoils from Oslo? The Duncan Menzies team which won the NSL Finals at Forfar? The Robert Tait or Rebecca Steven teams for their success at Murrayfield? Good nominations, all of these.
The Skip Cottage Curling TotW is ....
Graham Sloan (skip), John Sloan, Stuart Mair and John Graham, for their performance in the Lions 18th Annual Bonspiel at the Ice Bowl, Dumfries.
Gambling to steal a single without last stone advantage they lost an eight, when opposition skip David Owen made a triple takeout to count big. So TotW to Team Sloan and I'm sure this award will go a long way towards tempering the memory of being walloped in this way. They will also no doubt receive an official 'Rhona Martin Try Harder Award' usually given to teams who lose the big end. (This latter award is named after our Olympic Champ whose team managed to give away eight shots in one end whilst playing at Greenacres in the months before the Salt Lake City success).
The TofW requested anonymity, so no photo of them!
Thanks to Graham for the pix!