Now here's a new initiative for next season. Mike Ferguson at Forfar Indoor Sports has realised that something is missing in the domestic curling scene. Many rinks have super leagues. Could the winners of these competitions go further, and could we have a National Super League winners championship?
He says, "The idea behind the competition is a simple one. If you have competed season long to win a competitive league you deserve further reward. I think a National Super League final weekend is just reward and will give all teams competing in super leagues something to really compete for around the country. Furthermore most super leagues combine elite players, club players, males, females, youths and some more elderly players, in other words a true representation of competitive curlers around the country."
What a great idea! Mike has had a favourable response already and the event will go ahead at Forfar on October 21-23, 2011. The first round games will not be until Friday evening in order that the competitors don't have to take time off work.
If ice rinks don't run a super league then they can put forward a rink from one of their local league competitions or significant knock-out competitions.
Mike says, "I want to make sure everyone enjoys a truly competitive yet fun weekend, and then we can build from there in future seasons."
Each ice rink should have received by now entry forms and full competition details. Contact Mike if you need more information.
Role on the NSL!