The Royal Caledonian Curling Club has been in the process this month of changing website providers, from SportFocus to Sugar Rush Creative, a Belfast based graphic design and website design company established in 2003. Today was the date for the major changeover. However, the governing body's website has been completely down since yesterday evening. Also unavailable are all of the Area, Province and Club microsites.
One advantage of having a Facebook page and Twitter feeds is that there are alternative ways of getting messages out there.
The Club's FB page says this morning, "Due to technical changes and circumstances outwith our control our website went off line last night and we are working with providers to get it back up and running as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you require information as a matter of urgency please call the office and we will email information directly to you."
(Email: or phone 0131 333 3003.)