
Monday, January 30, 2012

Behind the Glass and More about Kinross

There's a new contribution from Robin Copland in Behind the Glass, here, or click on the link on the right. Robin takes us through a short history of curling rinks in Scotland, and as usual prods us into worrying about the state of the nation. For once I don't agree entirely with what he says, especially in his last couple of paragraphs, but again I know that many people don't agree with anything I say. Which matters not a whit to Robin or to me - the reason we do what we do in writing about the state of curling in Scotland is to get people talking about the subject. It's good to talk!

Robin doesn't mention the Kinross saga directly. I suspect, like many, his blood pressure goes up every time the subject is mentioned. A bit like the Edinburgh tram project. But at least progress is being made in Edinburgh.

I feel I almost have to apologise for bringing up the Kinross business again. I am sure many of you are suffering from 'Kinross fatigue', such is the length of time the saga has been running. But if the Kinross Curling Trust can't be bothered to keep their own website up to date, then I seem to be the only one in a position to tell the country what is happening. I'll be brief...

The info I posted before is still valid. That is all in the menu bar above. It went up there on December 5. It is not where it should be, on the Kinross Curling Trust website here. Now it's not really my job to tell grown men and women (some of them still friends, I hope) what they should be doing, but I would just say, "Hi folks, if you want to get support from the larger curling community for your efforts, then I suggest you keep us informed through your website about what is happening."

The most recent news is that the Trust AGM will be on Sunday, March 4, at 3 pm in the Loch Leven Suite, Green Hotel, Kinross.

In the letter accompanying the notice of the AGM, Bob Tait indicates on fundraising that a lot of approaches have been made to a lot of people and organisations, but no-one really wants to talk these days.

If I detect anything positive in Tait's communication, it is that the thinking seems more directed these days towards replacing the aging existing facility, rather than touting for support for a 'National Curling Centre' which, after all the trimming down, it wouldn't be anyway.

There's a footnote to Tait's letter which I must admit that I found rather petulant. Apparently it's all YOUR FAULT out there, that the project is barely off the ground. A question is asked, "But what about the wider curling community and the blazerati?" Apparently we are "Largely invisible and sleep walking to disaster." But, read the whole thing and judge for yourself. It's in the menu bar above in the page 'Conundrum'.

But does anyone care any more? Actually I'll know, as I can calculate how many blogallies click through to the Conundrum page. But don't worry, I'll keep that information to myself.