The Four Nations is a unique event on the curling calendar, and I've had a great day at Greenacres meeting old friends and making some new ones. Here are some more photos from this afternoon.
The Four Nations continues tomorrow. I'll be back on station at Braehead tomorrow, but hopefully we'll have all the results from the Four Nations competitions on the blog early next week.

Ireland v Wales (mixed). The Irish last stone.

Ireland (yellow) is three up, and here's the position with one Welsh stone to come.

Michael and Chris deliberate long and hard ....

... and Chris goes to play his final stone.

Good stone too, a Rhona Martin flop into shot position for a count of three, and a tied game!

England v Ireland (women). Kirsty Balfour calls line, with Louise Kerr behind.

Here's a more flattering pic of Kirsty.

Scotland's Kate Adams.

Nicola is saying, "You know, Michael, your team will look good in Loudmouths!"

Welsh power sweeping with Lesley Carol and Heather Russell on Laura Beever's stone.

It was a Wales v Scotland (women) tie. RCCC Board Member Kay Gibb is throwing. The sweepers are Joyce Young and Elspeth Burton. (Scotland came second in this one. I'm sworn to secrecy on the score!)

Lindsay McKenna and Laura Beever. "I've injured myself already!" or "Wow, that must have cost him a packet." More captions available on request.

Clive Thomson demonstrates the precursor to the no-backswing delivery!

"It will be along any minute." Joyce Young and Elspeth Burton.

"Nope. We should have brought the car!"

Michael Yuille

Thinking time with Laura, Lindsay and Heather.

More Elspeth.

Chris Wells.
Photos © Skip Cottage