That's Jennifer and Maggie in the head in the photo above. In the background is umpire Glenda Barrowman. Alan Stanfield always says that the umpires wear black so they can be inconspicuous and blend into the background. I guess the camouflage umpire's uniform at Curl Aberdeen should be cream coloured! Just an observation. (And a fine job they do too!)
Hannah Fleming and her team, who had also had an extra end loss earlier in the day, made amends by a quick victory over Lesley Young's side, that one all over in six ends. Fleming and Young are now both on three wins and one loss, the same as Team Dodds, AND the Hazel Smith team, who beat Jennifer Martin tonight for their third win.
The top three teams on completion of the seven game round robin will be involved in the playoff stages.
All the results and standings are here.
(Apologies if my posts from Aberdeen are a bit erratic. Problems with Internet access. Who would be a blogger? See frustrations! See grumpy! See the need for an IT tech who knows his way around wireless networks!)
Photos © Skip Cottage