CEO Bruce Crawford has sent the following email to all those intending to play at Fenton's rink:
Dear Members
I am pleased to learn that you have volunteered to play in the Four Nations as members of the Royal Club, this weekend in Kent. Although the formation of the teams has not followed the traditional procedure, the Board of Directors have concluded that these players should represent the Royal Club and play for the trophies in the usual way.
We recognize the huge effort and contribution you are each making individually in terms of time and money and hope that you enjoy the weekend. We wish you every success in the games and safe travels to Kent.
Best wishes
Bruce Crawford
This is confirmed by a post on the News pages of the Royal Club website here, and there is also a list of those playing.
I'm glad some at Cairnie House have realised the damage the affair was doing to the Royal Club, and have moved rapidly to address the problem.
Roll on the weekend now, and I hope the competition will be great fun for everyone on and off the ice.