The junior men were first on the ice today at Curl-Aberdeen for the fifth round of the Scottish Junior Curling Championships.
Penny v Black. Greame was always in control in this game. John's team fought back, but Graeme made a perfect hit for the win.
Fraser v Smith. Ally's team were dominant in this one today.
Menzies v Reid. Another win for Team Menzies.
McWilliam v Mouat. One down with, coming home in the tenth, Bruce had the chance to win if he could draw the four-foot past the guard for a second counter. But he caught the front and it was into an extra end. This time the pressure was on Jay to draw the four foot, with two Mouat stones counting front and back on the centre line. He made it perfectly, well judged and swept. Great shot!
You can find the standings here, and all the results and linescores can be accessed from this page.
Here are some pics from one of the games I was watching closely this morning:
Of course, given my philatelic interests, I would have preferred that Graeme Black had been playing the yellow stones!
This was a great game. Graeme Black is calling the line, John Penny behind.
Here's Team Black. Kyle Waddell's stone, with Peter Macintyre and Craig Waddell the sweepers.
Billy Morton and Colin Howden work on their skip's stone.
Colin Dick
Today's caption competition!
Greig Henderson, the Team Penny coach, rushing (or should I say, walking carefully to keep Health &Safety happy) to speak to his team.
They call it now a 'coach interaction'!
Did you know that Greig has a secret. People have been joking all this season. "Greig, why haven't you got pink trousers the same as your team?"
But the truth is out now! Greig's closet team loyalties were revealed when he had to come out to the rink side in stockinged feet. We LIKE the pink socks. Apparently his wife Cate bought them for him! We even think they should have a Facebook page!
Photos © Skip Cottage