Here she is, nominated for 'Multitasker of the Day' and 'Ginger of the Day' categories at the Petrofac Aberdeen City Open. Find Louise's results

L-R: John Watson, Chris Blinglis, Ian Grigorious and David Robertson. I am sworn to secrecy on how Team Big 'N' Oil and Gas got on in their first game. But of course you know where to find the scores.

More read teams. L-R: Arthur Beattie, Stuart McLachlan (aka Pye), Barton Henderson and Billy Henderson. Now, what name should we give to this team aside from Red 11?

Team Pauline Alexander. L-R: Jennifer Main, Pauline Alexander, Dave Cormack and Louis Sturgess, skip.

Hard work on a Billy Henderson stone.

Kyle Waddell. Now is this just a left over photo from last week's Scottish Junior Championship or is the Kyle Smith team back to relive their success?

Nominated in the 'Ginger' and 'Former Calendar Girl' categories, here is Kimberley Brewster.

Another suggestion was the 'Babe in Babe' category! Kim, we all love you!

A shoe in for the 'Blonde of the Day' is Lianne McGregor.

I bet some of the young ones don't know what this signal means. Roy Haites.

David Jack playing a triple takeout. Did he make it...?

... there's a question.

This being a family blog, I have resisted posting my caption for this photo. You can insert yours here .................. (or in the comment box below).
Photos © Skip Cottage