It was a close one. Jackie had a fortunate bit of luck at the fifth when, drawing against two and looking heavy, her stone picked up and stopped on the button. That made it 4-3 in Team Lockhart's favour. The next four ends were blanked, and that took Eve into the final end with the hammer, but trailing by a shot.
Unable to set up cover and go for her two, Eve had to hit against two with her last to count a single and force the extra end. Lying one at the edge of the four foor, Eve tried to flop over behind the guards but slipped to the back of the house. Jackie had a straighforward hit for the game, and she made this perfectly to have a three win - two loss record.
Gail Munro's team are now the only undefeated side.
You can find all the other game scores here, but what follows are some photos I took during the Muirhead Lockhart game. Above: Jackie is in the head, with Anna and Eve behind.

Photos © Skip Cottage