It's hello from sunny Curl Aberdeen, with a weekend of fun and good curling ahead at the Petrofac Aberdeen City Open. Louise Edwards is multitasking this afternoon, playing in the first round and providing results on the event blog,
here. Impressive.
My job is to post some piccies and record the highs and lows of the weekend on an off the ice.
Or at least that's the plan.
So who are the title sponsors? Go
here to find out.

They have already won the 'Dandies of the Day' award - Team Fife Flare. L-R: Stuart Brand, Craig McNaughton, Ally Simms and David Jones, aka 'Red 4'.

Albert Middler is chief umpire and race night steward! Here taking the communal warmup for all the teams in the Red Section. "Now, everybody, take your left hand and touch your right ear."
Or you could do it the Shirley Ellis way,
as here! This IS the official anthem of the Petrofac Aberdeen City Open 2012.

Albert and John-Jo Kenny enact the 'Ceremony of the Balls' to decide who plays who in the first round.

A warm welcome to L-R Carlo Glasbergen, Ezra Wiebe, Floyd Koelewijn and Jaap van Dorp (skip), from Holland.
Photos © Skip Cottage