Meanwhile, Mike Haggerty's preview of the competitions can be found here, and all the results will be online on the Royal Club website here (for the men) and here (for the women).
However, mentioning the Dewar's rink gives me the opportunity to comment on the Perth Open 2012, which was sponsored, as it has been been for the last seven years, by Miller McIntyre Gellatly, Chartered Accountants.
This year's event was played last week in leagues with the winners of each league going into the high road knock out and the second placed into a low road.
The high road featured Ian Watt, Graeme Connal, Russell Keiller and Mark Brass against Claire Milne, Lynn Cameron, Rachael Simms and Katie Loudon, see below. Tom Brydone reports that the game was tied going up the last end when Ian Watt, with last stone, played a draw which rolled off Claire's counter onto the button. The men played under the Team Loudon banner but Pete couldn't make the weekend and then couldn't find a way back into a successful team!
The low road final was between Adrian White's team from Forfar and Perth's Stewart Riddick, with the former winning the tie.