More teams and more action from the Petrofac Aberdeen City Open. If you are looking for results you should go to Louise's blog
Above L-R: John Leburn, Quentin Russell, Douglas Baxter and Alasdair Seftor, skip.

L-R: Louise Edwards, David Jack, Kim Brewster and John Penny, skip.

Claire Dagen, Dionne Clark, Lesley Young, Maggie Wilson, skip.

L-R: Ross Bartlett, Rosemary Arkley, Lianne McGregor, Alison Kinghorn, skip.

Roy Haites

"Maggie Wilson demonstrates the usefulness of her extra finger."

L-R: Ken Anderson, Bill Morrison, Ron Whyte, Roy Haites, skip.

Lesley Young practising her secret team language.

Good game this one between Jaap van Dorp and Kyle Smith.

John Jo Kenny

Maggie Wilson

I'm sure there is a rule in the Royal Club rulebrook that says something about falsely representing oneself! (Winner in the Swiss Curler of the Day category may have to be investigated!)

Dionne wonders if she delivers the stone at this angle, could she get through the hole!

Normal delivery seemed the best option. You know, the great thing about 'open' curling is that it matches young up-and-coming talent like Dionne ......

.... against the 'older curler'. Here, for example, Barton Henderson, Scottish Champion skip thirty-two years ago!

Who he?

"A study in determination." Billy Henderson. (Team staged a comeback to beat the young curlers at the last end!)

The important thing to notice in this photo is where Ross Bartlett is. I guess if you are the only guy in the team, you let the others get on with the decision making! Rosemary, Alison and Lianne work on their options!

"You know Claire, we should apply to join the Straw Dogs Curling Club. (Paul Stevenson, President, apparently. Ed.)
Photos © Skip Cottage