One hundred and six teams started off in this season's Henderson Bishop competition from rinks around the country. Twenty are involved in the finals this week at Inverness, playing in four sections. You can find the results and standings
Below are some photos to give an impression of today's play. Please let me know if I have any wrong names.

Naomi Whyte's team of Fiona Telfer, Sophie Jackson and Heather Morton are representing Dumfries.

I should probably say to Sophie Jackson that the nutritional value of a curling brush head is quite small!

Margot Woods, Lockerbie.

Margaret Robertson, Border.

Lorraine Shaw, Ayr.

Alison Mather, Lockerbie.

Chief Umpire Harold Forrester, and his assistant Alan Stanfield, are in charge. They have an apprentice 'third umpire', who you can see in the background of this photo of Abbie Brodie!

Liz Paul, Braehead.

Lisa MacKellaich, Inverness and Wilma McIntyre, Waterfront.

I think this would make a great name for a curling team! Website
here. (Abbie Brodie, and her mum Janet.)

Sophie Jackson, Dumfries. Sophie will be the youngest of the competitors this week. (No, there's not a 'guess who's the oldest' competition!)

Lorraine Shaw and Alison Cunningham, Ayr.

Elaine Semple, Greenacres.

Naomi Whyte joins Sophie Jackson and Heather Morton to sweep Fiona Telfer's stone. Dumfries in action!

Wonderful to see some special curling cocktails on offer at the bar. Not sure how comfortable I would be in asking for No 1 on the list. Perhaps you just have to whisper this to the barmaid?

Fiona Hardie, Stranraer.

Beth Aitken, Stranraer, was not having the best of mornings!

Muriel McVay and Alison Cunningham sweep Vicky Dunlop's stone. Ayr action.

Ann-Maree Davidson, Perth.

Further suggestions on what the buckets are for. "Oor Willie's spectator seating."

Kay Freshwater and Alison Cleary, Waterfront.

Umpire Alan Stanfield demonstrating how to measure an 8-ender! Either that or he's next up on the 'clean and jerk' event!

Lisa MacKellaich taking part in the 'best funny face' competition!

Alison Taylor and Marion Craig, Lanarkshire 2.
Photos © Skip Cottage