Tom Brewster (above) had skipped his team to the semifinals of the Petrofac Aberdeen City Open.

Here is Team Brewster - Scott Andrews and Ron Brewster work on Michael Goodfellow's stone.

Their opposition was the Stevenson team. Here Tim Stevenson (lead) has thrown the stone, with Ruaridh Whyte and Fraser Watt at the ready.

Here's their skip Paul Stevenson. Came second on this occasion. Find all the linescores on the event blog

Kyle Smith had his full junior champions side on the ice for the semi on the other side of the draw.

He faced Kerry Barr.

Kerry's team - Helen King and Rhiann Macleod work on Caitlin Barr's stone.

Kyle Waddell and Thomas Muirhead are ready on Kerr Drummond's stone.
Anyway, this was exciting. With youthful testosterone boiling from the juniors, the women got well up, and would have administered the
coup de grace if only Kerry's last stone in the eighth had curled a fraction more. But it didn't and it was into an extra.
No mistakes in the ninth. Girl Power to the fore, Kerry right on target with an open takeout for the win!
Photos © Skip Cottage