This evening it is the story of the three Davids. The David Murdoch, David Edwards and David Smith teams were all unbeaten after two rounds of the Co-operative Funeralcare Scottish Men's Championship. The third set of games were this afternoon.
You can find all the results, linescores and standings
David Murdoch and David Edwards lined up against each other. That's the two skips in the photo above.

Scott Macleod watches behind Glen Muirhead's stone.

Glen explains to his skip that he would like to play 'tip of the nose' weight!
Anyway, what happened? If I can go straight to the shot that mattered. One up in the tenth, David (Edwards) faced two Murdoch stones. Both had to move. His takeout was right on target, and the Edwards team - David, John Penny, Scott Macleod and Colin Campbell - are top of the pile!
The other David, David Smith, who skips and has Warwick Smith play last stones with the front end of Ross Hepburn and Alan Smith, lost out to the Ewan MacDonald team. Ewan had to stick on his final stone to count the two he needed for the win.

Team Logan Gray unveiled their latest trip into the Loudmouth catalogue* with these refreshing little numbers, redolent of the 1960s. What is surprising is to find such a youthful curling team with colour co-ordination sense. Note how the pink of Logan's bunnet matches the pink flowers of the pants. And that the team's orange tops, here displayed manfully by Steven Mitchell and Sandy Gilmour, pick out the orange hues of the garden trouser scenes. For the record, third Alasdair Guthrie was similarly attired.
Did the new outfit help their curling?

Logan's team were up against Tom Brewster, Greg Drummond, Scott Andrews and Michael Goodfellow, the current Scottish champions. Down 1-8 after eight, Team Brewster threw in the towel (and took off their sunglasses). Seriously though, that was the second loss in three games for the champions. Getting serious now.
*For followers of curling fashion the pants Team Gray are sporting are Magnolia Lane-A, see
here. And if all this talk of the 1960s puts you in the mood for some music, you can hum along
here. (Monterey 1967, but lyrics are included if you are in the shower.)
Photos © Skip Cottage